Most people love their four-legged kids as much as they do their two-legged ones and so want the best for them. If you’re a pet owner like that, then you have extra considerations and more decisions to make when buying a house. If you want to look out for your pets’ best interests, then you need to make sure the house and the neighborhood are suitable for your furry family members. Read on to discover 5 things to consider when buying a house as a pet owner in Harford County.
1. Pet-Friendly Neighborhood
Remember, you’re not just buying a house in Harford County, but you’re also buying into a neighborhood, so as a pet owner, you need to make sure the neighborhood is pet-friendly.
A pet-friendly neighborhood will have sidewalks, parks close by, and plenty of trees for shade during the summer heat. A good neighborhood for pets is also one with good neighbors living there – people who, for instance, don’t speed done the streets and endanger pets (and kids) and who don’t let their pets roam unattended.
If you’re unsure what a neighborhood is like with respect to pet-friendliness, consult a Harford County agent. A local agent will the neighborhood very well and can advise you accordingly. You can find out more by calling 443-616-5486.
2. HOA Rules and Local Pet Laws
When buying a house as a pet owner in Harford County, you also need to consider HOA rules that may affect your pets as well as the local pet laws.
HOAs often have rules regarding the number of pets allowed in a home and the size of pets, as well as guidelines concerning spaying and neutering. HOAs almost always have rules that affect what structures you can or can’t have in your yard. Be sure to check whether you can the backyard and put that large dog house in it.
Many cities and even neighborhoods have specific laws treating pets, particularly dogs. Make a point, then, to check whether the community has any breed restrictions.
3. Pet-Appropriate Floors
Unless you don’t mind a smelly, messy house, check to see that the floors are pet-appropriate before buying a house.
What you don’t want is a lot of carpeting, especially wall-to-wall carpeting. Cats will claw carpeting, and dogs tend to track mud and dirt in on it. More important, though, carpet traps smells from “accidents,” it stains easily, and it collects pet hair.
What you do want for your pets, instead of carpeting, is (ideally) solid hardwood flooring. It just doesn’t have the pet issues that carpeting does and so is much easier to clean and keep clean. It can also be refinished when scratched or stained to restore it to its former look.
Other good pet-appropriate flooring options include tile, luxury vinyl, and laminate flooring.
4. Pet-Friendly Floor Plan
Pet owners also should be on the lookout for a pet-friendly floor plan when buying a house. This is usually more applicable to larger pets but remains important for smaller ones as well.
Ideally, you’ll want a house with enough space, including large rooms and wide hallways, so that you’re not always tripping over pets. You’ll also need a floor plan that allows for out-of-the-way areas for dog beds and cat trees.
And stairs are a problem for many pets, especially as they age. So before you buy that two-story or split-level house, consider whether your pets can navigate the stairs and steps.
5. Proximity of Services and Amenities
Consider as well the proximity of needed pet services and amenities, particularly vets, animal hospitals, and pet stores.
If you’re a pet owner, you will sometimes have medical emergencies. Is there a vet/animal hospital close to the house you’re thinking about buying?
And you will need pet food, pet toys, and other pet supplies. Is there a good pet store nearby?
Lean on Your Harford County Agent’s Expertise
Really, you have quite a lot to consider when buying a house as a pet owner in Harford County. You can make things easier by leaning on your local agent’s expertise. A good agent can help you find a house that meets your and your pets’ needs. If you’re a pet owner interested in buying a house, contact us today at 443-616-5486.