Figure Out How Much Cash You Will Have on Hand After Selling Your Home
Seller Closing Cost Calculator
The following calculator makes it easy to quickly estimate the closing costs associated with selling a home & the associated net proceeds. Simply enter your sales price, mortgage information & closing date and we’ll estimate your totals. The actual fees, expenses & outstanding loan balance will depend on the actual closing date & other related factors. You can expand each section in the calculator below to enter your details. When you are done you can use the button in the upper right corner of the calculator to save the results and email yourself a link to the calculated result.
Learn how much your sale proceeds could be using this Calculator. Plus, you can see how much you can save when selling with us (We Sell Harford Homes only charges 1.5% full listing fee and you would pay 2.5% buyer’s agent side – so total of 4 %) vs. selling with another agent (Most other agent charge 2.5-3.5% full listing fee plus 2.5-3% for buyer’s agent side – that is 5-6.5% total commission). Enter the different values for Selling broker commission and Buying broker commission to see the difference for yourself. If you have any questions about how to use the calculator or unsure which values to put in on some lines – reach out to us and we will be happy to guide you through – there is no obligation!
The difference in Savings is Thousands of dollars. Play with this Net Sale Proceeds Calculator and see for yourself how much you can save by selling with us!
When you are ready to sell your house – contact us and we will help!
And if you are looking to buy a certain house but not sure about the neighborhood and the overall area you can find out about it by clicking here and entering the address of the property you are interested in buying. Or just contact us as your local real estate expert for more details about the Harford county, MD and surrounding areas schools, recreation, shopping, health care, entertainment, community and more.