Harford County directory of frequently ask questions about business, real estate, administration, civil matters, court and more

Are you new to Harford County, MD and have some questions? Check out a list of this common question and answers from Harford County Government:

1.I don’t agree with a decision on a permit or interpretation of a regulation made by a county agency. Is there a way I can appeal this decision?2.I want to learn more about the county, its structure and budget. Where can I obtain more information?

Agricultural Preservation

1.How many acres do I need to be eligible for the agricultural preservation program?2.What is the agricultural land preservation program?3.What are some of the benefits of putting a farm in the agricultural preservation program?4.What is the difference between an agricultural district and an agricultural easement?


1.Can I have horses on my property?2.Where can dog runs be located and do I need a permit?

Bonding & Permit Administration

1.What are the requirements for roads and storm drains plan submittals?2.What are the requirements for sediment control plan submittals?3.What are the requirements for stormwater management plan submittals?


Show All Answers1.What is BRAC?2.Where do I get additional information on BRAC?


1.When is the budget year?2.What is the budget process?3.What are key dates?4.Can the county council change the executive’s proposed budget?


1.Does Harford County maintain a Procurement Vendor’s list?2.Does Harford County provide grants to organizations in the county?3.Does my business need to be pre-qualified to do business with the County?4.How can I find out the zoning and permitted uses on my property?5.How can I find out what goods/services are currently being solicited by Harford County government?6.How can I obtain procurement bid results?7.How do I apply for Workforce Technical Training Grants?8.How does the Fast Track Permitting process work?Fast Track enables an industrial user to establish a time schedule for the issuance of permits and licenses to meet the project’s completion schedules. For more information, contact the Office of Economic Development at 410-638-3059 or visit Fast Track. Fast Trackto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint9.What assistance and incentives are available to businesses locating and expanding in Harford County?The Office of Economic Development offers many valuable resources including Site Location Services, Fast Track Permitting Assistance, Enterprise Zone Tax Credits and Financial and Workforce Assistance including Workforce Technical Training Grants. For more information, visit the Business Toolbox section of the website or contact 410-638-3059.10.What is an Enterprise Zone?Enterprise Zones are areas designated by the State of Maryland which insure the retention and spur expansion of resident businesses, encourage the creation of well paying jobs, promote development and occupancy of vacant, underutilized land and buildings and support the county’s commitments to revitalizing older industrial areas of Harford County. For more information contact the Office of Economic Development at 410-638-3059. Business Toolboxto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint11.What is the Harford County Green Business Network? The Harford County Green Business Network was designed to foster a networking environment for businesses to collaborate and discover innovative, sustainable business practices. For more information call the Office of Economic Development at 410-638-3059 or join the Harford County Green Business Network online. Harford County Green Business Network to Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislators to open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint12.What is the next deadline for Workforce Technical Training Grants?For the most up-to-date Workforce Technical Training Grant schedule, see the Workforce Technical Training Grant Application online or contact the Harford County Office of Economic Development at 410-638-3059.13.Where can I find information on starting a business?14.Where can I find information on the Harford County Opportunity Fund?For information on the Harford County Opportunity Fund, contact the Office of Economic Development at 410-638-3103 or Financial Services. Financial Servicesto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint15.Where can I find out if my business is in an Enterprise Zone?If your business is located in Aberdeen, Havre de Grace, Edgewood or Joppa, you may be located within an Enterprise Zone. For more information, contact the Office of Economic Development at 410-638-3059.16.Where can I obtain a building license?Please view Buildings Services.to Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint17.Where can my Harford County organization get help writing a grant?Technical assistance is provided by the Department of Community Services, Local Grants Office, 410-638-3117. This includes general, written information on grant writing as well as assistance in developing proposal concepts and review of proposals. In addition, many libraries have books on grant writing and groups such as the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers or Harford Community College often offer courses, seminars, and workshops on grant related topics.18.Where do I get help with my business plan and loan application?The Maryland Small Business and Technology Development Center provides counseling and support to entrepreneurs and small to mid-size businesses with business plans, identifying sources of capital and the entire loan process. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Office of Economic Development at 410-638-3059. Maryland Small Business and Technology Developmentto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint19.Who do I contact if I want to sell property to the County or lease County-owned property?Property Management should be contacted at 410-638-3213.20.Who should I contact if I have questions about County right-of-ways or County owned property?Property Management should be contacted at 410-638-3213.21.Can I operate a business out of my home and do I need a permit?Under certain criteria, a business may be operated from the home with a valid permit. The business must be incidental and subordinate to the residential use. Some uses are prohibited (i.e.dancing or karate schools, medical clinics, gift stores, construction businesses.)


1.Where will the designated pick-up point be?2.How long will you wait for someone if he or she is late?3.How many days a week will you share the ride to work?

Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Program

1.What is the critical area, and can I build there?2.I am placing a shed and/or pool in my backyard. Is there anything that I need to do to comply with the critical area program?3.I have dead trees in my backyard that are right next to the water. Can I remove them? How about the healthy trees that block my view?Yes, the dead trees may be removed,; however you need to complete a Buffer Management Plan. This plan is necessary any time there is a disturbance to the buffer. It includes information on the proposal and the long-term management of the area. If you remove a tree in the buffer, you are required to replace it with another native species.

Healthy trees must remain in place and removing them for a view is not permitted. Please call 410-638-3103 for more information.4.I own an undeveloped piece of land in a resource conservation area, can I build a home on this land?

Children & Families

Show All Answers1.Can I attend a Women’s Commission meeting?2.How can businesses and civic organizations help the Mentor Program?3.How do I volunteer?4.How often can I volunteer?5.I am having difficulty in getting child support payments. Who can offer suggestions?6.Is there a support group that I can connect with?7.Is there an opportunity for me to meet other women who are interested in women’s issues? Can I attend a Women’s Commission meeting?8.What are specific support groups for domestic situations?9.What does Volunteer Harford do?10.What geographic area does Volunteer Harford serve?11.What is a mentor?12.What types of volunteer opportunities does Volunteer Harford have?13.Where can a person call for legal assistance in a domestic situation?14.Why mentor?

Circuit Court

1.What is your inclement weather policy?2.How was I chosen for jury duty?3.How long is my jury term?4.Will jury service place my job or pay in jeopardy?5.What happens if I don’t report to jury duty or I fail to respond to the court’s questionnaire?6.What happens when I call the recording for final reporting instructions?7.What is the dress code for jury duty?8.Where do I park?9.Where do I report?10.Can I bring my cell phone/electronic device into the courthouse?11.What can I bring with me?12.Can I be excused for a work or financial hardship?13.What if I need to postpone/reschedule my date for jury duty?14.What if I need to be excused for medical reasons?15.What if I require an accommodation in accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act?16.What if I am not a United States citizen?17.What if I am no longer a resident of Harford County?18.What if I am Active Duty Military, etc.?19.What if I am a full-time student?20.What if I have charges pending?21.What if I have been convicted of a crime?22.What if I received a summons, but I recently served jury duty?23.What if the person who received the jury summons is deceased?24.What if I am a nursing mother?25.What is the difference between a Trial (Petit) Jury and a Grand Jury?26.What if I still have questions?

Commission for Women

1.Can I attend a Women’s Commission Meeting?2.How can I become a commissioner of Harford County Commission for Women?3.I am having difficulty in getting child support payments. Who can offer suggestions?4.Is there a support group that I can connect with?5.What are specific support groups for domestic situations?6.Where can a person call for legal assistance in a domestic situation?7.Where can I call to get involved in women’s issues/legislation?

Commission on Disabilities

1.How can I get information about services for citizens with disabilities?2.How do I arrange a disability-related accommodation (sign language interpreter, large print, assistive listening system, etc.) to transact business with or to attend a county meeting?3.How does Harford County make its programs and services accessible to persons with disabilities?4.What kind of projects does the Commission on Disabilities undertake?


1.Home owner’s associations for Harford County and their laws.2.How can I get information about services for citizens with disabilities?3.How do I arrange a disability-related accommodation (sign language interpreter, large print, assistive listening system, etc.) to transact business with or to attend a County meeting?4.How do I volunteer?5.How do you vote in Maryland?6.How does Harford County Government make its programs and services accessible to persons with disabilities?7.How often can I volunteer?8.The storm drain in my back yard is clogged. Who should I call?9.What can I do about Public Accommodations problems/issues?10.What Department handles unregistered vehicles parked at County residences?11.What does Volunteer Harford do?12.What geographic area does Volunteer Harford serve?13.What kind of projects does the Commission on Disabilities undertake?14.What types of volunteer opportunities does Volunteer Harford have?15.When is early voting?16.Where do I vote for early voting?17.What size accessory building can I put on my property?18.Can I park an untagged or inoperable vehicle on my property?

Community Development

Show All Answers1.Does Harford County provide grants to organizations in the county?Harford County currently has two programs, Grant-in-Aid and Criminal Justice Coordinating Council grants. Funds are available on a competitive basis. Organizations must meet certain eligibility criteria and must submit requests by a predetermined date, using an application form provided by Harford County. For more information, contact Harford County Department of Community Services at 410-638-3117 or 410-638-3389.2.Where can my Harford County organization get help writing a grant?

Construction & Development

Show All Answers1.What are the fees for construction?View the Fee Schedule (PDF).to Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint2.What are the steps involved in Harford County’s Development Process?Plans for proposed subdivisions are submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning for review by all involved agencies. Subdivision includes any division of land except for agricultural purposes. Subdivision of more than 5 residential lots and development of institutional and commercial sites are reviewed by the Development Advisory Committee (DAC). When all written comments have been received and issues resolved, a Preliminary Plan Approval (the creation of new lots) and/or Site Plan Approval (for new/change/expansion in use) is granted by the Department of Planning and Zoning. A final plat (surveyed description of the new lots) is circulated for signatures and recorded in the Harford County Court House. Detailed construction plans for water, sewer, roads, stormwater management, and sediment and erosion control are submitted to the County for final design review. Building Permit applications may be made after the final plat is recorded and a Public Works Agreement is executed and a bond posted to ensure that the public roads are constructed and accepted by the County.3.What is the process to create buildable lots?The Harford County Zoning Code requires a preliminary subdivision plan, prepared by a licensed land surveyor, to be reviewed and approved by the Harford County Department of Planning and Zoning. Once approved, a final plat is prepared for review, approval and recordation. Application for a building permit can not be made until final plats have been recorded. If a lot is created for a member of the immediate family, the lot must be deeded to the family member prior to application for a building permit.4.How many lots can be created from a parcel located in the agricultural district and what size lot is required?Development in the agricultural district is based on the size of parcels as they existed on February 8, 1977. A minimum size parcel which may be divided is 11 acres. The density factor is one lot for each 10 acres. If you have more than 11 acres and less than 30, you may divide a parcel into two lots.

In addition, lots may be created for members of the immediate family for owners as of February 8, 1977. Any new lot created shall be a minimum of 2 net acres unless the lot is located in a Agricultural Preservation District or developed under Conservation Development Standards.

Lots existing in the Agricultural District which were created prior to February 8, 1977 may be as small as one-half acre. Any undeveloped parcel legally created prior to February 8, 1977 which can meet required standards for well and septic are recognized as buildable lots.5.What is the Development Advisory Committee (DAC)?6.What is a DAC Waiver?A waiver from DAC may be granted for minor changes or additions to nonresidential uses. An application form must be completed and two copies of a site plan submitted with the proposal. Final approval will then be made with the building permit application. The application form can be filled in and printed from this site or you can obtain a copy in the Planning and Zoning Office. DAC Waiver Request (PDF)to Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint7.What is Conservation Development Standards?

Corporate Property Tax

Show All Answers1.Do I need to file a personal property return?2.How far back can I request an abatement or adjustment on my business account?3.If I am out of business, do I still have to pay the open tax bill?4.What is an estimated assessment?5.What is the corporate/personal property assessment based on?6.What is the date of filing?7.Where can I get further information on the filing and assessment of personal property?

County Code – Mechanical

Show All Answers1.Do pellet and wood stoves need HVACR permits?2.For replacement of existing equipment, can the HVACR contractor make all the necessary electrical and gas connections and disconnections?3.How can a HVACR permit be obtained for equipment that needs to be replaced on the weekend and holidays when the permit office is not open?4.How long will the permit process take?5.How much will HVACR permits cost?6.How will the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits (DILP) regulate a mechanical inspection program?7.How will the mechanical code be adopted?8.What inspections will be required for mechanical permits?9.What is the Harford County Mechanical Code?10.What is the Mechanical Inspection Division?11.What role does the Board of Appeals, established under the Building Code, play with mechanical installations?12.Where can more information about mechanical codes and equipment installations be obtained?13.Who do I call to schedule an inspection?14.Who is in charge of the HVACR process at the County level?15.Who will be required to obtain a mechanical registration with the County?16.Who will provide the mechanical permit and inspection services to Harford County residents?17.Why is there growing interest in implementing a Mechanical Inspection Program?18.Will commercial work require a plan review?19.Will gas and installation remain under the authority of the Plumbing Services Division?20.Will residential work require a plan review?

County Council

Show All Answers1.How can I find out what federal, state or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislators?2.How can I contact my representative to the Harford County Council?3.When and where does the County Council meet?4.How can I get on the agenda to address the Council about a particular subject?5.How can I find out ahead of time what will be on the Council’s agenda for a particular meeting?6.Are there any other ways I can participate in the legislative process, such as advisory boards or commissions?7.What does the budget advisory board do?8.What does the HarfordTV Advisory Board do?9.What does the People’s Counsel Citizen’s Advisory Board do?10.Where can I get information or assistance if I am concerned about a zoning case?11.Why can’t I discuss zoning cases with my Council representative?12.Do I have a legal right to receive cable television service?13.Who do I contact with question regarding the cable franchise agreement?14.When a cable company installs a cable line in an easement that is on my property, is the company obligated to restore my property to the condition it was in prior to the installation?15.Does the County Council regulate the prices charged by the cable companies for cable service?16.Are answers to questions related to the cable franchise agreement the same if I live in Aberdeen, Bel Air or Havre de Grace, or at Aberdeen proving ground?17.Does Harford County have a noise ordinance?18.Does the county have a law regarding the height of grass?19.Does the County have a law that requires property owners to remove the snow on the sidewalks in front of their homes?20.Is there any law regarding tree limbs or leaves that extend from one property over to another property?21.Is there any law that governs the operations of Homeowners’ Associations?22.What is the County transfer tax and are there any exemption?

Critical Area

Show All Answers1.What is the Critical Area and can I build there?2.I am placing a shed and/or pool in my backyard. Is there anything that I need to do to comply with the Critical Area Program?3.I have dead trees in my backyard that are right next to the water. Can I remove them? How about the healthy trees that block my view?4.I own an undeveloped piece of land in a Resource Conservation Area; can I build a home on this land?

Data & Demographics

Show All Answers1.What is the population of Harford County?2.What are the Population forecasts for Harford County?3.What are the number of households and projected number of households for Harford County?4.What is the median household income for Harford County?

Deed Processing

Show All Answers1.I need to process a deed of transfer for a property located in the County. What do I do?2.I need to process a deed, what fees are involved?

Department of Community Services – Office of Drug Control Policy

Show All Answers1.Does Harford County provide grants to organizations in the county?2.Where can my Harford County organization get help writing a grant?

Department of Procurement

Show All Answers1.Does my business need to be prequalified to do business with the county?2.How can I obtain procurement bid results?3.How can I find out what goods/services are currently being solicited by Harford County government?4.Who should I contact if I have questions about county right-of-ways or county owned property?5.As a local business person in Harford County, how would I go about trying to sell my goods or services to the county?6.Who do I contact if I want to sell property to the county or lease county-owned property?7.Who do I contact with questions regarding county surplus of old computers, furniture or equipment?

Development Process

Show All Answers1.What are the steps involved in Harford County’s Development Process?2.What is a Community Input Meeting?3.What is the Development Advisory Committee DAC?4.What is a Site Plan Application Waiver?5.What is the process to create buildable lots?6.How many lots can be created from a parcel located in the Agricultural district and what size lot is required?7.What is Conservation Development Standards?8.What is the Natural Resource District and how will it affect my property?

Distribution of County Funds

Show All Answers1.My 1099 form is not correct. Who do I contact to get it corrected??2.What is the payment status of my invoice?3.What number can I call to get more information about Accounts Payable?


Show All Answers1.What can I do about Education problem/issues?


Show All Answers1.Do you have a job hotline?Yes, please dial 410-63-HIRE for information about current job openings. You can also go to the Human Resources page. Human Resources pageto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint2.What does “Non-Classified” mean when used in a job posting announcement I see online?Within Harford County Government the term “non-classified” refers to any position within the county that is not permanently funded.3.How can I obtain an employment application for Harford County Government?By going to “Job Seekers” page from this site, you can download and print an application on your printer. You may also call Human Resources at 410-638-HIRE and request that we mail an application to you or pick one up in our office at
220 S Main Street
Bel Air, MD 21014 Job Seekers Pageto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint4.How long does it take after I turn in my employment application to hear something?Normally, applicants can expect a response within 4-6 weeks of the closing date. To view our employment procedures, visit the Human Resources page. Human Resources pageto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint5.How old do you have to be to serve alcohol/be a bartender in Harford County?B.R. 4:16 EMPLOYEES: Article 2B §12-213(e)

In Harford County it shall be lawful for any licensee under this article to employ any person 18 years of age or older for the general purposes of employment including selling or serving alcoholic beverages. (This is intended to mean that not even a family member under the age of 18 may be engaged in the sale or dispensing of alcoholic beverages). However, persons under the age of 18 may be used as stock persons or bus persons for the purpose of cleaning tables, (NOT SERVING). Liquor Control Board Pageto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint6.How do I find answers to my issues about Family Leave Act, Child Labor Laws, Minimum Wage, Overtime?7.How do I find information about issues with non-payment of wages or vacation pay?8.What can I do for employment problems/issues?9.What is Human Resources?10.What type of benefits does Harford County offer?Harford County Government provides employees with a range of health care and other employee benefit options which allow the opportunity to design benefit plans which best meet the employees’ needs. These options include health insurance, a prescription program, dental insurance, vision insurance, disability insurance, Group Universal life insurance, and flexible spending accounts for pre-tax funding of health and child care expenses.

The County also provides annual leave, sick leave, personal leave, family leave and other types of leave; nine holidays per year; a tuition reimbursement program; and other benefits. Benefits Listing Pageto Learn more about what federal, state, or county legislative district I am in and the name of my legislatorsto open the Tourism Award Process Powerpoint11.Where is the Social Services office and what is the telephone number?12.Where is the unemployment office?

Environment & Natural Resources

Show All Answers1.What is the Natural Resource District and how will it affect my property?2.How can I determine if an area is NRD?3.How far from a stream may I build and why are stream buffers necessary?4.What is the Critical Area and can I build there?5.I am placing a shed and/or pool in my backyard. Is there anything that I need to do to comply with the Critical Area Program?6.I have dead trees in my backyard that are right next to the water. Can I remove them? How about the healthy trees that block my view?7.I own an undeveloped piece of land in a Resource Conservation Area; can I build a home on this land?

Environmental Planning

Show All Answers1.What is the Natural Resource District, and how will it affect my property?2.How can i determine if an area is a Natural Resource District?3.How far from a stream may I build and why are stream buffers necessary?


Show All Answers1.What assistance and incentives are available to businesses locating and expanding in Harford County?2.Where can I find information on the Revitalization Area Improvement Loan?3.Where are the designated Enterprise Zones in Harford County?

Flexible Benefits

Show All Answers1.How can I calculate my expenses and deductions?2.How do I submit a Flexible Benefit claim?3.How will I know the balance that is still available in my FSA?4.If there is a problem with my account and or reimbursement, who should I contact?5.What expenses are eligible for reimbursement from Flexible Benefits?6.What forms of reimbursement are available for Flexible Benefits?7.What happens if I do not use all of my balance?8.What is a FSA and the benefit gained by using?9.What is the deadline for me to submit my claims for Flexible Benefits?10.What is the difference between a Health Care FSA and Dependent Care FSA?11.What is the time frame that I have to use my Flexible Benefits account?12.When am I able to start using my Flexible Benefit account?13.When will I receive my Flexible Benefit reimbursement?14.Who is Eligible for Flexible Benefits?

Floodplain Management Program

Show All Answers1.What is a floodplain? How does the floodplain affect my property?2.My home is located in a floodplain area. What are Harford County’s regulations regarding development or redevelopment in the floodplain?3.I was told that I need an elevation certificate. What is that form and who is qualified to complete the elevation certificate?4.I have lived here forever and have never been flooded. Why do I need flood insurance?5.How can I see Harford County’s flood maps and find out more information?6.Why did my bank tell me that flood insurance is mandatory?7.How are rates determined for a flood insurance policy?8.Where can I find out more about purchasing flood insurance?

General FAQs

Show All Answers1.Why has my water & sewer bill increased?2.Where should I call to report a pothole?3.Who do I call to report my neighbor’s grass has not been cut?4.Where do I call to report an abandoned home/property?5.Who do I call when a street/stop sign is down?6.Where can I find Harford County farmers markets?7.Where do I call when a neighbor’s dog is running loose on my property?8.How do I apply for the seniors and veterans tax credit?

Government & Legislation

Show All Answers1.Where can I call to get involved in women’s issues/legislation?2.How can I contact my representative to the Harford County Council?3.When and where does the County Council meet?4.How can I get on the agenda to address the Council about a particular subject?5.How can I find out ahead of time what will be on the Council’s agenda for a particular meeting?6.Are there any other ways I can participate in the legislative process, such as advisory boards or commissions?7.What does the Budget Advisory Board do?8.What does the HarfordTV Advisory Board do?9.What does the People’s Counsel Citizen’s Advisory Board do?10.Where can I get information or assistance if I am concerned about a zoning case?11.Why can’t I discuss zoning cases with my Council representative?12.Do I have a legal right to receive cable television service?13.Who do I contact with question regarding the cable franchise agreement?14.When a cable company installs a cable line in an easement that is on my property, is the company obligated to restore my property to the condition it was in prior to the installation?15.Does the County Council regulate the prices charged by the cable companies for cable service?16.Are answers to questions related to the cable franchise agreement these answers the same if I live in Aberdeen, Bel Air or Havre de Grace, or at Aberdeen Proving Ground?17.Does Harford County have a noise ordinance?18.Does the County have a law regarding the height of grass?19.Does the County have a law that requires property owners to remove the snow on the sidewalks in front of their homes?20.Is there any law regarding tree limbs or leaves that extend from one property over to another property?21.Is there any law that governs the operations of Homeowners’ Associations?22.What is the County Transfer Tax and are there any exemption?

Harford County ePermit Center FAQs

Show All Answers1.I cannot log into my user account2.I see my permit/license/plan but cannot print the attachment or cannot see certain information because I do not have access.3.I am receiving an invalid token message during the password reset4.In the registration email, I receive an error when I select the confirm button.5.I cannot pay my fees.6.The registration says check my email. What does that mean?7.I need to update my contact info on my ePermit Center account8.Can I change my email address on my ePermit Center user account?9.I am trying to register for a user account, but the new user account confirmation email is not coming through10.I am logged in, selected “My Work” and I am a contact on the permit. I do not see my permit/plan.11.Where can I find my saved draft?12.What is the status of my permit?13.The address I am searching for is not displaying any results?14.Where can I find my saved draft?15.Where can I find applications for Harford County Trade Registrations/Licenses?16.Can I renew my Registration/License online/electronically?17.What documentation do I need to submit to Harford County to obtain my Registration/License?18.I have never held a Registration/License in Harford County; how can I apply for a Harford County Registration/License?19.How does Harford County need to appear on the Certificate of Insurance for my Registration/License?20.How do I request an inspection online?21.How do I request a virtual/picture inspection on the ePermit Center?22.I cannot select the inspection date I want. It is grayed out.23.When is my inspection happening today?24.How do I know my inspection request has been received by Harford County?25.How do I cancel/reschedule my inspection request that has NOT been scheduled?26.How do I re-schedule or cancel an inspection that has been scheduled?27.How do I find out my inspection results and read my inspector’s comments?28.The blue printer icon in the upper right-hand corner is not working29.How do I upload revised drawings or building related documents?30.How do I attach inspection pictures?31.In the registration email, I receive an error when I select the confirm button.


Show All Answers1.As a senior citizen I have questions regarding Health Insurance; can anyone help me?2.Do we have a Pharmacy Assistance Program in the County?

Health Care Benefits

Show All Answers1.At what age do you have to remove dependents from the insurance coverage?2.Can I change my primary care physician in the middle of an enrollment year?3.How do I add or delete dependents to my health care plan?4.Is there a limit to the amount of time that I have to make changes to my health care dependents?5.What happens if I am covered under another insurance plan and do not need insurance coverage with Harford County Government?6.When can I add or delete dependents to my health care plan?7.When can I make changes in the health care benefit plan that I have enrolled in?8.When does insurance coverage become effective for new hires?

Highway Engineering

Show All Answers1.Why are there paint marks in the road?2.What are the little flags in my front yard?3.Is the road going to be widened?4.County water is running across my property – can I get it diverted somewhere else?5.How can I get a signal constructed at an intersection?6.Where can I find a list of roads closed due to weather, construction, or special events?7.How are speed limits set?8.What conditions influence speed limits?9.What is a traffic engineering study?10.What is the 85th percentile speed?

Highway Maintenance

Show All Answers1.When can the county trim or remove a tree?2.When will my street be swept?3.How do I report a pothole? How long will it take?4.How do I request my storm drain to be cleared of debris? A sink hole?5.Do I live on a county road?6.When will a truck be sent to my street to plow or apply salt? How do I report damage to my mailbox, curb or yard?

Historic Preservation

Show All Answers1.What are the benefits of a Harford County Historic Landmark designation?2.Can my property be a Harford County Historic Landmark?3.How does a property become a designated County Historic Landmark?4.What is the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)?5.Can a Harford County Historic Landmark be changed?6.How does the HPC review projects?7.What is the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties?8.What are the Standards for Rehabilitation?9.What kinds of projects have been approved?10.What are some examples of projects that would not be approved?

Housing Services

Show All Answers1.Are there any senior citizen housing units in Harford County?2.How do I report a violation of the Livability Code?3.How does a person or family apply for a voucher?4.How long can a family remain on the Housing Choice Voucher Program?5.How often are the rental units inspected by the Housing Agency?6.I am homeless/about to be evicted. What assistance can I receive?7.I want to buy a home. What assistance can I receive?8.I’m having problems meeting my mortgage. What assistance can I receive?9.I’m having a problem with my landlord, how can I receive help?10.Is there a code for rental housing standards?11.What can I do about housing problems/issues?12.What is a Housing Choice Voucher?13.What rental subsidy programs are available?14.Who qualifies for the Housing Choice Voucher Program?

Human Relations

Show All Answers1.What can I do about education problem/issues?2.What can I do about enforcement/administration of justice problems/issues?3.What can I do about housing problems/issues?4.What can I do about public accommodations problems/issues?5.What can I do for employment problems/issues?

Impact Fees

Show All Answers1.What is an Impact Fee?2.How much are the Public School Impact Fees?3.Who pays the Impact Fee?4.When will the Impact Fee be paid?5.What will the Impact Fee be used for?6.What uses can be exempted from payment of an Impact Fee?7.If I buy an existing home, will I be charged an Impact Fee?8.How do Impact Fees benefit existing, as well as new, residents?9.Do School Impact Fees apply to the incorporated towns in Harford County?10.Are changes in use or additions to existing houses charged an Impact Fee?11.What is an Impact Fee credit?12.Can the Impact Fee revenues be deposited in a general fund?13.Do Impact Fee revenues have to be spent within a certain period of time?14.f Harford County has to refund Impact Fees collected at some time in the future, who receives the refund?15.Did Harford County hire an outside consultant to help develop a School Impact Fee?16.What is the legal basis to charge School Impact Fees in Harford County?17.What other jurisdictions in Maryland charge a School Impact Fee?

Jury Commissioner

Show All Answers1.What is the inclement weather policy?2.How was I chosen for jury duty?3.How long is my jury term?4.Will jury service place my job or pay in jeopardy?5.What happens if I don’t report to jury duty or I fail to respond to the court’s questionnaire?6.What happens when I call the recording for final reporting instructions?7.What is the dress code for jury duty?8.Where do I park for jury duty?9.Where do I report for jury duty?10.Can I bring my cell phone/electronic device into the courthouse?11.What can I bring?12.What NOT to bring?13.Can I be excused for a work or financial hardship?14.What if I need to postpone/reschedule my date for jury duty?15.What if I need to be excused for medical reasons?16.What if I am not a United States citizen?17.What if I am no longer a resident of Harford County?18.What if I am active duty military, etc.?19.What if I am a full time student?20.What if I have charges pending?21.What if I have been convicted of a crime?22.What if I received a summons, but I recently served jury duty?23.What if I am a nursing mother?24.What is the difference between a trial (petit) jury and a grand jury?25.What if I still have unanswered questions?


Show All Answers1.Can I get an inspection of my rental unit before I find an eligible family to be my tenant?2.Can the Housing Agency provide a credit check for me on a client?3.How do I know if this family will be a good tenant in my rental property?4.I’m having a problem with my tenant, can you help?5.What happens if my tenant moves out and leaves damages to my house?6.What type of housing qualifies for the Housing Choice Voucher Program?7.Who will pay me the rent money, and how much will the tenant pay?8.Who will pay me the security deposit, and how much will I get?

Lead Free Materials

Show All Answers1.Are jobs that currently have permits exempt from this law?2.Do the lead-free requirements apply to publicly owned water treatment and distribution systems?3.Does the law apply to agricultural use?4.How will the new law be enforced?5.How will this law be enforced and who or what agency will be enforcing it?6.What about the Federal law?7.What does “dispenses water for human consumption” mean?8.What is HB 372?9.What penalties will result if this law is violated?10.When will the Board publish regulations?11.When will the regulation be in effect?12.Where is HB 372 published?13.Who will be in charge of communicating this law to the plumbers, companies, municipalities and contractors?14.Will a supplier be allowed to carry lead non-compliant brass/materials in their inventory?15.Will I have a chance to comment on the proposed regulations?16.Will Maryland be issuing a list of materials that are required to follow this law?17.Will the regulations also apply to Baltimore County and the WSSC jurisdiction?

Legal Information

Show All Answers1.An item which was stolen from my home has been found in a pawn shop. How do I get it back?2.How do I find information about legal matters relating to the Harford County Public School system?3.What do I do if I have a service complaint or faulty materials?4.How do I find information about criminal activity?5.Are there any legal services available to senior citizens?6.How do I get legal advice on a criminal matter?7.I have questions about private legal issues, who do I contact?8.I am not eligible for legal aid, I just want a recommendation for a specialized attorney, who do I call?9.Who do I call if I have a complaint about a licensed contractor?10.Does the Sheriff’s Office have records on pawn transactions in the county?11.Does the Sheriff’s Office hold auctions for unclaimed items?12.How do I find information about county codes?13.Where can I find financial disclosures?14.How can I drop the charges?15.How can I find out my court date?16.How do I contact the Property Management Unit directly?17.How do I know which Division is handling my case?18.How do I protect myself from the defendant?19.How do I obtain public information from the liquor control board?20.If I do not agree with the outcome of a case, in which I was the victim, what can I do about it?21.Is it important that I record the serial numbers of my personal belongings?22.How do I find information about pending court cases in the Circuit Court and District Court?23.What can I do about Enforcement/Administration of Justice problems/issues?24.What information do I need when calling or visiting the State’s Attorney’s Office?25.What will happen if I do not show up for court as a witness?26.When and how do I get my restitution?27.When my property is seized, how do I get it back?28.Where can a person call for legal assistance in a domestic situation?29.Who can I contact with a consumer protection question?

Local Emergency Planning Committee

Show All Answers1.What is the Local Emergency Planning Committee?2.Why was the LEPC formed?3.Who serves on the LEPC?4.What is required in a plan?5.How do you know what to plan for?6.How can I find out what hazards are in my community?7.How do I obtain information on specific chemicals?8.How do you plan for emergencies involving the transportation of chemicals?9.How can I get help with all of my compliance requirements?10.If there is an accident, how do I report it?11.What should my facility plan include?12.When is a written report required?13.When does the LEPC meet?

Local Income Tax

Show All Answers1.What happened to the “piggyback tax” and why is my local tax rate so different?2.What is the Local Income tax rate for Harford County?

Maryland Criminal Injuries Compensation Board

Show All Answers1.What is the Maryland Criminal Injuries Compensation Board?2.Who may file a claim?3.How may I file a claim?4.What must I do to quality?5.How much may the board award?6.How soon must a claim be filed?7.Where can I go for additional information on the subject?

Online Employment

Show All Answers1.Can I get help with completing the online application?2.How do I find out what jobs are available?3.What if I do not have a computer or access to the web?4.What information will I be asked to provide?5.What if I don’t have an email address?6.What if I am interested in a position that is not currently on the county job list?7.How do I check the status of my application?8.How do I save my application?9.What if I want to submit a resume?10.Who will see my application if I use the online application process?11.Can I apply for more than one job at a time?12.How do I print my application?13.I missed the deadline – can I still apply?14.Do I have to fill out an application?15.Can I apply by sending my resume via email?16.Will I automatically be considered for other positions if I previously submitted an application?17.What if I am not ready to fill out the application at this time?18.How and when can I update my application?19.How do I know that you have successfully received my online application?20.I was filling out my application and I lost all my information, what happened?21.What is the selection process?22.How can I add additional employment or education entries?23.How do I change my address, phone, or email information?24.Do I have to submit a separate application for each open job?25.How long does it take to complete an online application?26.Will I be logged out automatically?27.I’m not receiving job email alerts; what should I do?

P&Z Crisis/Emergencies FAQs

Show All Answers1.How to apply for a building permit?2.Where do I get the building permit application and what information is required?3.How and what can I apply for via the ePermit Center?4.How do I apply for approvals required by the Board of Appeals?5.How to submit a complaint of a potential zoning code violation?6.How to apply for a Site Plan Application Waiver?7.How long does it take to receive an approved permit?

Parks & Recreation – Leisure & Recreation

Show All Answers1.What recreation programs are available in Harford County?2.Are there indoor facilities I can rent for a birthday party?3.Is smoking allowed at your parks and facilities?4.Are alcoholic beverages permitted in county parks?5.Can I swim at Flying Point Park or Mariner Point Park?6.Can I transfer my registration from one council’s program to another council’s program?7.How do I secure facilities such as fields?8.What features and amenities are available at county parks?9.Where can I see native live animal displays in Harford County?10.How can I find out more about ADA accommodations?11.Can I use my metal detector on Parks & Recreation property?

Parks & Recreation – Swan Harbor Farm rental

Show All Answers1.Can I have my wedding ceremony and reception at Swan Harbor Farm?2.Can I rent the house without renting the tent at Swan Harbor Farm?3.Can I rent the tent without renting the house at Swan Harbor Farm?4.Can we come in early to decorate Swan Harbor Farm?5.Do you have a list of vendors you can provide for events at Swan Harbor Farm?6.Do you have a preferred caterers list for Swan Harbor Farm?7.Does Swan Harbor Farm charge a fee to photographers who want to have a photo session on their site?8.Does the tent have heaters, air conditioners or fans?9.How can I arrange to see the property at Swan Harbor Farm?10.What happens if it rains and I have an event scheduled at Swan Harbor Farm?11.What kinds of events can be held at Swan Harbor Farm?12.What type of music is allowed at Swan Harbor Farm?13.When does the season start and end for Swan Harbor Farm?14.Where do ceremonies take place at Swan Harbor Farm?

Parks & Recreation – Visitor Information

Show All Answers1.How can I find hotels and restaurants in the area for the guests attending my wedding and for my rehearsal dinner?

Property Tax

Show All Answers1.Can I make an advance payment of county property tax?2.Can I pay my taxes by credit card?3.How can I reduce the amount of property taxes I have to pay?4.How is the current assessed value determined for my property?5.How is the interest calculated?6.I am new to the County and have purchased a home. Do I have to pay property tax in Harford County?7.I did not receive a property tax bill for my property. What do I need to do?8.I have a question about my tax bill. Who can I talk to?9.I lost my property tax bill, how can I get a new property tax bill?10.I understand that Harford County offers a Solar Tax Credit for homes using solar equipment. How can I get more information?11.I understand that I can pay my property taxes in a semiannual method. Does my property qualify and if so, how do I go about doing this?12.I want to pay my taxes on an annual basis, rather than semiannually. How do I do this?13.What happens if I do not pay my property taxes?14.What is a Tax Sale?15.What is the County’s rate of interest on properties sold at Tax Sale?16.What is the taxable year?17.When are property tax bills due?18.Why do I have to pay for water and sewer service when I am already paying property taxes?19.Why does the county charge interest and penalty?20.What are the payment calendars for Water and Sewer charges?21.Where can I pay my taxes?

Public Works – Community

Show All Answers1.The storm drain in my back yard is clogged. Who should I call?

Public Works – Snow Removal

Show All Answers1.Can the county remove the snow it puts in my driveway?2.Why do the plows go so fast and throw snow on my sidewalk?3.When will a truck be sent to my street to plow or apply salt? How do I report damage to my mailbox, curb or yard?

Public Works – Water & Sewer

Show All Answers1.Who do I call for a water/sewer line break or other related emergencies?2.How do I pay my water/sewer bill?3.Why has my water & sewer bill increased?4.I have question concerning my water/sewer bill. Who can I speak to?5.What is in my water?6.What is my water tested for, and how often is it tested?7.How can I find out if public water and/or sewer is available on a property I am interested in purchasing?8.How do I get a water and/or sewer permit?9.I am moving. Who should I call to get the water turned on at my new residence?10.Do I need a water and/or sewer permit to connect to public services?11.How do I connect to public water and/or sewer?12.I am on a private well system and need my water tested. Who can I call?13.I am renting a home. Can I have the water bill sent to directly to me?14.My well went dry. How do I connect to public water?15.Do you handle Percolation or “Perc” Testing?16.My septic is failing. How do I connect to public sewer?17.My water is turned off due to non-payment. Who can I call to get it turned back on?18.What is the User Benefit Assessment?19.How much are the connection charges for water and/or sewer20.What is the 15-year water meter replacement program?21.What will the replacement of my water meter entail?22.Will anything change as a result of my new water meter?23.What if there is a leak at the water meter or any problems after the meter is replaced?

Recordation Taxes

Show All Answers1.What is the recordation tax rate in Harford County and what is its purpose?


Show All Answers1.Who do I contact with questions regarding County surplus of old computers, furniture or equipment?

Senior Centers

Show All Answers1.As a senior citizen I have questions regarding health insurance; can anyone help me?2.Do we have a Pharmacy Assistance Program in the county?3.Are there any legal services available to senior citizens?4.Are there any senior citizen housing units in Harford County?5.Are there any adult day care centers In Harford County?6.Are there any assisted living facilities in Harford County?7.Are there any nursing homes in Harford County?8.Are there any senior centers in Harford County?9.Is there any disabled or handicapped senior housing in Harford County?10.How do I get on contact with the Office on Aging?11.Where can I get help with food stamps and medical/nursing home assistance?12.Do we have a Transportation Service in the County?13.How do I volunteer?14.How often can I volunteer?15.What does Volunteer Harford do?16.What geographic area does Volunteer Harford serve?17.What types of volunteer opportunities does Volunteer Harford have?

Single Stream Recycling

Show All Answers1.What is single stream recycling?2.Do I need trash collection to have curbside recycling collection?3.How do I know what day of the week my recycling will be picked up by my trash collector?4.Why doesn’t Harford County provide recycling containers to residents?5.I was only provided with one recycling sticker to place on my container to designate it for recycling. What if I have more than one container?6.Why can’t I recycle plastic bags at curbside? Where can they be recycled?7.What type of plastics can I put out for recycling?8.What happens to the paper, metal, glass, plastic and aluminum after it is collected from my house and how are they separated?9.What do I do if I need more than one recycling container; is there a limit?10.Can residents living in apartments and condominiums recycle?11.Who do I call if my recycling wasn’t picked up?12.Do I have to rinse my recyclables?13.Do I have to take labels off of containers?14.Why should we recycle when it’s easier just to landfill?15.Will more people recycle now?16.Do you have any drop-off locations?17.What do you charge to drop off recycling?18.What are the advantages to single stream?19.What exactly can I put into my single stream container?20.Can I put grass clippings and tree limbs into my recycling container?21.How can I reduce the amount of catalogs I receive in the mail?22.Are coroplast (polypropylene) campaign signs recyclable?

Solid Waste, Recycling & Mulch/Compost

Show All Answers1.What phone numbers should I call if I have questions about trash or recycling?2.Where does our trash go?3.What residential material can be disposed of at the Harford Waste Disposal Center and the Tollgate Yard Trim drop-off facility?4.What residential material is not allowed for disposal at the Harford Waste Disposal Center?5.What are your hours of operation for the landfill, mulch and compost facility and yard trim facility?6.What are your fees?7.Do you accept credit cards or checks at the HWDC for payment?8.What are the directions to drop-off facilities?9.My trash was not picked up today. What should I do?10.I am new to Harford County, Maryland. What companies pick up household trash and recycling?11.Are peanut butter jars, margarine tubs, and yogurt containers recyclable?12.Can I recycle computer/electronics in Harford County?13.How do I dispose of latex paint?14.Plastic motor oil containers have the designation #1 or #2 on them. Can I put these into my single stream recycling bin?15.Where is the nearest location to drop off used motor oil and anti-freeze for recycling?16.Where can I dispose of tires?17.Where can I get rid of old stale gasoline?18.What is the availability of mulch and compost?19.How can I safely dispose of used needles and other sharp items?

Stormwater Maintenance Workshop

Show All Answers1.Who can attend the workshop?2.When is the next workshop?3.Is registration required?4.How do I sign up for future workshops?

Transfer of Development Rights

Show All Answers1.What is the purpose of the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program?2.Where can development rights be transferred from (sending areas)?3.How many development rights can be transferred?4.How many times can a development right be transferred?5.How are development rights transferred?6.Where can development rights be transferred to (receiving areas)?7.Can development rights be transferred from one AG zoned parcel to another AG zoned parcel?8.How many development rights can be transferred from an AG zoned parcel to another AG zoned parcel?9.How many development rights can an AG zoned parcel receive from another AG zoned parcel?10.Can an AG zoned parcel both send and receive development rights?

Transfer Taxes

Show All Answers1.What is the transfer tax rate in Harford County and what is its purpose?


Show All Answers1.Do we have a Transportation Service in the County?

Treasury – Corporate Property Tax

Show All Answers1.Do I need to file a personal property return?2.How far back can I request an abatement or adjustment on my business account?3.If I am out of business, do I still have to pay the open tax bill?4.What is an estimated assessment?5.What is the corporate / personal property assessment based on?6.What is the date of filing?7.Where can I get further information on the filing and assessment of personal property?

Treasury – Deed Processing

Show All Answers1.I need to process a deed of transfer for a property in the county. What do I do?2.I need to process a deed, what fees are involved?

Treasury – Distribution of County Funds

Show All Answers1.My 1099 form is not correct. Who do I contact to get it corrected?2.What is the payment status of my invoice?3.What number can I call to get more information about accounts payable?

Treasury – Local Income Tax

Show All Answers1.What happened to the “piggyback tax” and why is my local tax rate so different?2.What is the local income tax rate for Harford County?

Treasury – Other Taxes

Show All Answers1.What is the recordation tax rate in Harford County and what is its purpose?2.What is the transfer tax rate in Harford County and what is its purpose?

Treasury – Property Tax

Show All Answers1.Can I make an advance payment of county property tax?2.How can I reduce the amount of property taxes I have to pay?3.Can I pay my taxes by credit card?4.How is the current assessed value determined for my property?5.How is the interest calculated?6.I am new to the county and have purchased a home. Do I have to pay property tax in Harford County?7.I did not receive a property tax bill for my property. What do I need to do?8.I lost my property tax bill, how can I get a new property tax bill?9.I understand that I can pay my property taxes in a semiannual method. Does my property qualify and if so, how do I go about doing this?10.I want to pay my taxes on an annual basis, rather than semiannually. How do I do this?11.What are the payment calendars for water and sewer charges?12.What happens if I do not pay my property taxes?13.What is a tax sale?14.What is the county’s rate of interest on properties sold at tax sale?15.What is the taxable year?16.When are property tax bills due?17.Where can I pay my taxes?18.Why do I have to pay for water and sewer service when I am already paying property taxes?19.Why does the county charge interest and penalty?

Treasury – Water & Sewer Bill

Show All Answers1.Do I have to pay for sewer if I water my lawn or fill my swimming pool?2.How can I connect to the county’s water and sewer system?3.How often will I receive a water and sewer bill? What are the rates?4.I am going to be renting a home. Can I receive the water and sewer bill?5.I am moving from my present home in Harford County. What do I need to do?6.I have a question concerning my water and sewer bill. Who do I contact?7.Why have I been billed for water and sewer usage for three months for a house I just bought one month ago?8.What happens if I don’t pay my water and sewer bill?9.What is the user benefit assessment?10.When are the water and sewer assessment notices mailed to properties owners?11.Why do I have to pay for water and sewer service when I am already paying property taxes?12.Where can I pay my water and sewer bill?

Visitor Information

Show All Answers1.How can I find hotels and restaurants in the area for the guests attending my wedding and for my rehearsal dinner?

Volunteer Harford

Show All Answers1.How do I volunteer?2.How often can I volunteer?3.What does Volunteer Harford do?4.What geographic area does Volunteer Harford serve?5.What types of volunteer opportunities does Volunteer Harford have?

Water Source Protection District

Show All Answers1.How can I find out if I live within a Water Source Protection District?2.What are community and nontransient-noncommunity water systems?3.My property is within a nontransient noncommunity water system district. Are there impervious surface restrictions on my property?4.My neighbor has a private well and the well’s 100 foot radius comes onto my property. Do I have limitations or restrictions on my property?5.I have an existing house on a 1 acre residential lot that is located within the perryman wellfield district. What impervious surface limitations do I have?6.Are vehicle service or fuel filling stations allowed in a water source protection district?


Show All Answers1.How can I find out the zoning and permitted uses on my property?2.What are the zoning classifications?

Zoning Administration

Show All Answers1.I don’t agree with a decision on a permit or interpretation of a regulation made by a County agency. Is there a way I can appeal this decision?2.When is a building permit/zoning certificate needed?3.How long does it take to receive an approved permit?4.What are the fees for building permits, and when are they paid?5.How can I check the status of my building permit/zoning certificate?6.Who do I contact regarding building inspections?7.What is a Site Plan?8.Can I get a refund on a permit if I change my mind?9.Can I have horses on my property?10.What are the phone numbers of the agencies approving my permit?11.What is an Impact Fee?12.What are the zoning classifications?13.What is the Natural Resource District and how will it affect my property?14.Do I need approval for a public event?

Zoning Enforcement

Show All Answers1.What are some typical residential zoning violations?2.What are some typical commercial zoning violations?3.What conditions do not constitute zoning violations?4.What are the penalties imposed upon property owners failing to comply with zoning regulations?5.Whom should I contact about a potential violation or to lodge a formal complaint?

If you could not find what you are looking for – reach out to the experienced local Real Estate Agent – Jedd Cheshier with We Sell Harford Homes for help. And we will try our best to help you. And of course, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are looking to buy or sell a house in Harford County, MD and surrounds. We can also help with property management in Harford County. Contact us at 443-616-5486.

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